7 $opts = Trollop::options do
8 version "sup-dump (sup #{Redwood::VERSION})"
10 Dumps all message state from the sup index to standard out. You can
11 later use sup-sync --restored --restore <filename> to recover the index.
13 This tool is primarily useful in the event that a Ferret upgrade breaks
14 the index format. This happened, for example, at Ferret version 0.11.
18 sup-dump | bzip2 > <filename> # even better
24 index = Redwood::Index.init
25 Redwood::SourceManager.init
28 index.each_message :load_spam => true, :load_deleted => true, :load_killed => true do |m|
29 puts "#{m.id} (#{m.labels.to_a * ' '})"