]> git.notmuchmail.org Git - cworth.org/blob - src/exa/i965/emulating_speedups/NoAccel/Xorg.oprofile
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[cworth.org] / src / exa / i965 / emulating_speedups / NoAccel / Xorg.oprofile
1 CPU: Core 2, speed 2133.49 MHz (estimated)
2 Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask of 0x00 (Unhalted core cycles) count 100000
3 samples  %        symbol name
4 420       5.3490  damageComposite
5 393       5.0051  __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx
6 389       4.9542  XaceHook
7 374       4.7631  miGlyphExtents
8 361       4.5976  CompositePicture
9 340       4.3301  FindGlyphRef
10 339       4.3174  miGlyphs
11 321       4.0881  FreeResource
12 295       3.7570  miValidatePicture
13 260       3.3113  ReadRequestFromClient
14 234       2.9801  _CallCallbacks
15 218       2.7764  miModifyPixmapHeader
16 177       2.2542  Dispatch
17 168       2.1396  miCompositeSourceValidate
18 163       2.0759  miSpriteSourceValidate
19 156       1.9868  SecurityLookupIDByType
20 129       1.6429  CallCallbacks
21 128       1.6302  ValidateOnePicture
22 122       1.5537  getDrawableDamageRef
23 117       1.4901  ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs
24 111       1.4137  SecurityCheckResourceIDAccess
25 96        1.2226  Hash
26 92        1.1717  ValidatePicture
27 86        1.0953  CompareISOLatin1Lowered
28 85        1.0825  dixChangeGC
29 77        0.9806  XaceCatchExtProc
30 75        0.9552  FindGlyph
31 71        0.9042  damageReportPostOp
32 65        0.8278  Ones
33 59        0.7514  CreatePicture
34 58        0.7387  FreePicture
35 58        0.7387  ProcCreatePixmap
36 56        0.7132  damageDestroyPixmap
37 54        0.6877  __divdi3
38 54        0.6877  miColorRects
39 53        0.6750  GetScratchGC
40 50        0.6368  ProcRenderCreatePicture
41 50        0.6368  dixLookupDrawable
42 50        0.6368  miComputeCompositeClip
43 45        0.5731  ShmDestroyPixmap
44 44        0.5604  Xfree
45 41        0.5222  miRegionCreate
46 40        0.5094  AllocatePixmap
47 40        0.5094  ChangePicture
48 40        0.5094  PictureGetFilterId
49 39        0.4967  damagePolyFillRect
50 37        0.4712  ProcRenderFillRectangles
51 35        0.4457  ProcRenderDispatch
52 35        0.4457  SecurityCheckExtAccess
53 33        0.4203  GetExtensionEntry
54 33        0.4203  SetPictureToDefaults
55 31        0.3948  PictureFindFilter
56 31        0.3948  ProcRenderChangePicture
57 31        0.3948  SecurityLookupIDByClass
58 30        0.3821  ProcRenderFreePicture
59 30        0.3821  XaceCatchDispatchProc
60 29        0.3693  AllocatePicture
61 29        0.3693  FreeScratchGC
62 29        0.3693  Xalloc
63 28        0.3566  ProcRenderSetPictureTransform
64 28        0.3566  miCompositeRects
65 27        0.3439  SetPictureTransform
66 27        0.3439  miRenderColorToPixel
67 25        0.3184  AddResource
68 24        0.3057  .plt
69 23        0.2929  damageValidateGC
70 23        0.2929  miLineFixedX
71 22        0.2802  ChangeGC
72 22        0.2802  damageGlyphs
73 21        0.2674  ProcRenderSetPictureFilter
74 21        0.2674  SetPictureFilter
75 21        0.2674  damageChangeClip
76 20        0.2547  damageChangeGC
77 20        0.2547  miBSCheapValidateGC
78 19        0.2420  miRegionDestroy
79 18        0.2292  FlushClientCaches
80 18        0.2292  miDestroyPictureClip
81 17        0.2165  miRegionInit
82 16        0.2038  LegalNewID
83 16        0.2038  ProcFreePixmap
84 16        0.2038  ValidateGC
85 15        0.1910  miChangeClip
86 14        0.1783  CompositeGlyphs
87 13        0.1656  miBSCheapChangeClip
88 11        0.1401  miTrapezoidBounds
89 10        0.1274  CompositeRects
90 10        0.1274  miDestroyPicture
91 10        0.1274  miRectsToRegion
92 9         0.1146  ProcRenderSetPictureClipRectangles
93 9         0.1146  dixLookupGC
94 9         0.1146  miBSCheapChangeGC
95 9         0.1146  miChangePictureClip
96 9         0.1146  miIntersect
97 8         0.1019  ProcRenderComposite
98 8         0.1019  __i686.get_pc_thunk.cx
99 8         0.1019  miDestroyClip
100 8         0.1019  miTrapezoids
101 7         0.0891  CreateGC
102 7         0.0891  PictureMatchFormat
103 7         0.0891  miTranslateRegion
104 6         0.0764  FreeScratchPixmapHeader
105 6         0.0764  ProcChangeGC
106 6         0.0764  SetPictureClipRects
107 5         0.0637  ProcPolySegment
108 5         0.0637  _XSERVTransRead
109 4         0.0509  miChangePictureFilter
110 4         0.0509  miCreateAlphaPicture
111 4         0.0509  miCreatePicture
112 3         0.0382  GetScratchPixmapHeader
113 3         0.0382  PictOpValid
114 3         0.0382  ProcPolyFillRectangle
115 3         0.0382  ProcRenderTrapezoids
116 3         0.0382  ProcSetClipRectangles
117 3         0.0382  SetClipRects
118 3         0.0382  _XSERVTransSocketRead
119 3         0.0382  damageCopyArea
120 3         0.0382  miBSCheapDestroyClip
121 3         0.0382  miChangeGC
122 2         0.0255  CloseFont
123 2         0.0255  damageDestroyClip
124 2         0.0255  miChangePicture
125 2         0.0255  miChangePictureTransform
126 2         0.0255  miRegionCopy
127 1         0.0127  AllocateGC
128 1         0.0127  FreeGC
129 1         0.0127  ProcFreeGC
130 1         0.0127  SmartScheduleTimer
131 1         0.0127  WaitForSomething
132 1         0.0127  WakeupHandler
133 1         0.0127  damageCreateGC
134 1         0.0127  dixDestroyPixmap
135 1         0.0127  miDestroyGC
136 1         0.0127  miPointerUpdateSprite
137 1         0.0127  miSpriteBlockHandler
138 1         0.0127  xf86VTSwitchPending
139 1         0.0127  xf86Wakeup