# -*- makefile -*- dir := doc # You can set these variables from the command line. SPHINXOPTS := -q SPHINXBUILD = WITH_EMACS=${WITH_EMACS} RSTI_DIR=$(realpath emacs) sphinx-build DOCBUILDDIR := $(dir)/_build # Internal variables. ALLSPHINXOPTS := $(SPHINXOPTS) $(srcdir)/$(dir) APIMAN := $(DOCBUILDDIR)/man/man3/notmuch.3 DOXYFILE := $(srcdir)/$(dir)/doxygen.cfg MAN1_RST := $(wildcard $(srcdir)/doc/man1/*.rst) MAN5_RST := $(wildcard $(srcdir)/doc/man5/*.rst) MAN7_RST := $(wildcard $(srcdir)/doc/man7/*.rst) MAN_RST_FILES := $(MAN1_RST) $(MAN5_RST) $(MAN7_RST) ALL_RST_FILES := $(MAN_RST_FILES) $(srcdir)/doc/notmuch-emacs.rst MAN1_ROFF := $(patsubst $(srcdir)/doc/%,$(DOCBUILDDIR)/man/%,$(MAN1_RST:.rst=.1)) MAN5_ROFF := $(patsubst $(srcdir)/doc/%,$(DOCBUILDDIR)/man/%,$(MAN5_RST:.rst=.5)) MAN7_ROFF := $(patsubst $(srcdir)/doc/%,$(DOCBUILDDIR)/man/%,$(MAN7_RST:.rst=.7)) MAN_ROFF_FILES := $(MAN1_ROFF) $(MAN5_ROFF) $(MAN7_ROFF) MAN_GZIP_FILES := $(addsuffix .gz,${MAN_ROFF_FILES}) MAN1_TEXI := $(patsubst $(srcdir)/doc/man1/%.rst,$(DOCBUILDDIR)/texinfo/%.texi,$(MAN1_RST)) MAN5_TEXI := $(patsubst $(srcdir)/doc/man5/%.rst,$(DOCBUILDDIR)/texinfo/%.texi,$(MAN5_RST)) MAN7_TEXI := $(patsubst $(srcdir)/doc/man7/%.rst,$(DOCBUILDDIR)/texinfo/%.texi,$(MAN7_RST)) INFO_TEXI_FILES := $(MAN1_TEXI) $(MAN5_TEXI) $(MAN7_TEXI) ifeq ($(WITH_EMACS),1) INFO_TEXI_FILES += $(DOCBUILDDIR)/texinfo/notmuch-emacs.texi endif INFO_INFO_FILES := $(INFO_TEXI_FILES:.texi=.info) .PHONY: sphinx-html sphinx-texinfo sphinx-info .PHONY: install-man build-man apidocs install-apidocs %.gz: % rm -f $@ && gzip --stdout $^ > $@ ifeq ($(WITH_EMACS),1) $(DOCBUILDDIR)/.roff.stamp sphinx-html sphinx-texinfo: docstring.stamp endif sphinx-html: $(DOCBUILDDIR)/.html.stamp $(DOCBUILDDIR)/.html.stamp: $(ALL_RST_FILES) $(SPHINXBUILD) -b html -d $(DOCBUILDDIR)/html_doctrees $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(DOCBUILDDIR)/html touch $@ sphinx-texinfo: $(DOCBUILDDIR)/.texi.stamp $(DOCBUILDDIR)/.texi.stamp: $(ALL_RST_FILES) $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo -d $(DOCBUILDDIR)/texinfo_doctrees $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(DOCBUILDDIR)/texinfo touch $@ sphinx-info: sphinx-texinfo $(MAKE) -C $(DOCBUILDDIR)/texinfo info # Use the man page converter that is available. We should never depend # on MAN_ROFF_FILES if a converter is not available. ${MAN_ROFF_FILES}: $(DOCBUILDDIR)/.roff.stamp # By using $(DOCBUILDDIR)/.roff.stamp instead of ${MAN_ROFF_FILES}, we # convey to make that a single invocation of this recipe builds all # of the roff files. This prevents parallel make from starting an # instance of this recipe for each roff file. $(DOCBUILDDIR)/.roff.stamp: ${MAN_RST_FILES} ifeq ($(HAVE_SPHINX),1) $(SPHINXBUILD) -b man -d $(DOCBUILDDIR)/man_doctrees $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(DOCBUILDDIR)/man for section in 1 5 7; do \ mkdir -p $(DOCBUILDDIR)/man/man$${section}; \ mv $(DOCBUILDDIR)/man/*.$${section} $(DOCBUILDDIR)/man/man$${section}; \ done else @echo "Fatal: build dependency fail." @false endif touch $@ install-man: install-apidocs ifeq ($(HAVE_DOXYGEN),1) MAN_GZIP_FILES += ${APIMAN}.gz apidocs: $(APIMAN) install-apidocs: ${APIMAN}.gz mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man3" install -m0644 $(filter %.3.gz,$(MAN_GZIP_FILES)) $(DESTDIR)/$(mandir)/man3 $(APIMAN): $(dir)/config.dox $(srcdir)/$(dir)/doxygen.cfg $(srcdir)/lib/notmuch.h mkdir -p $(DOCBUILDDIR)/man/man3 doxygen $(DOXYFILE) rm -f $(DOCBUILDDIR)/man/man3/_*.3 perl -pi -e 's/^[.]RI "\\fI/.RI "\\fP/' $(APIMAN) else apidocs: install-apidocs: endif # Do not try to build or install man pages if a man page converter is # not available. ifeq ($(HAVE_SPHINX),0) build-man: install-man: @echo "No sphinx, will not install man pages." else build-man: ${MAN_GZIP_FILES} install-man: ${MAN_GZIP_FILES} mkdir -m0755 -p "$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1" mkdir -m0755 -p "$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5" mkdir -m0755 -p "$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man7" install -m0644 $(filter %.1.gz,$(MAN_GZIP_FILES)) $(DESTDIR)/$(mandir)/man1 install -m0644 $(filter %.5.gz,$(MAN_GZIP_FILES)) $(DESTDIR)/$(mandir)/man5 install -m0644 $(filter %.7.gz,$(MAN_GZIP_FILES)) $(DESTDIR)/$(mandir)/man7 cd $(DESTDIR)/$(mandir)/man1 && ln -sf notmuch.1.gz notmuch-setup.1.gz endif ifneq ($(HAVE_SPHINX)$(HAVE_MAKEINFO),11) build-info: @echo "Missing sphinx or makeinfo, not building info pages" else build-info: sphinx-info endif ifneq ($(HAVE_SPHINX)$(HAVE_MAKEINFO)$(HAVE_INSTALL_INFO),111) install-info: @echo "Missing prerequisites, not installing info pages" else install-info: build-info mkdir -m0755 -p "$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)" install -m0644 $(INFO_INFO_FILES) $(DESTDIR)$(infodir) for file in $(INFO_INFO_FILES); do install-info $$file $(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/dir; done endif $(dir)/config.dox: version.stamp echo "PROJECT_NAME = \"Notmuch $(VERSION)\"" > $@ echo "INPUT=${srcdir}/lib/notmuch.h" >> $@ CLEAN := $(CLEAN) $(DOCBUILDDIR) $(DOCBUILDDIR)/.roff.stamp $(DOCBUILDDIR)/.texi.stamp CLEAN := $(CLEAN) $(DOCBUILDDIR)/.html.stamp CLEAN := $(CLEAN) $(MAN_GZIP_FILES) $(MAN_ROFF_FILES) $(dir)/conf.pyc $(dir)/config.dox