;;; notmuch-crypto.el --- functions for handling display of cryptographic metadata. ;; ;; Copyright © Jameson Rollins ;; ;; This file is part of Notmuch. ;; ;; Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Notmuch. If not, see . ;; ;; Authors: Jameson Rollins ;;; Code: (require 'epg) (require 'notmuch-lib) (defcustom notmuch-crypto-process-mime t "Should cryptographic MIME parts be processed? If this variable is non-nil signatures in multipart/signed messages will be verified and multipart/encrypted parts will be decrypted. The result of the crypto operation will be displayed in a specially colored header button at the top of the processed part. Signed parts will have variously colored headers depending on the success or failure of the verification process and on the validity of user ID of the signer. The effect of setting this variable can be seen temporarily by providing a prefix when viewing a signed or encrypted message, or by providing a prefix when reloading the message in notmuch-show mode." :type 'boolean :package-version '(notmuch . "0.25") :group 'notmuch-crypto) (defcustom notmuch-crypto-get-keys-asynchronously t "Retrieve gpg keys asynchronously." :type 'boolean :group 'notmuch-crypto) (defface notmuch-crypto-part-header '((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "LightBlue1")) (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "blue"))) "Face used for crypto parts headers." :group 'notmuch-crypto :group 'notmuch-faces) (defface notmuch-crypto-signature-good '((t (:background "green" :foreground "black"))) "Face used for good signatures." :group 'notmuch-crypto :group 'notmuch-faces) (defface notmuch-crypto-signature-good-key '((t (:background "orange" :foreground "black"))) "Face used for good signatures." :group 'notmuch-crypto :group 'notmuch-faces) (defface notmuch-crypto-signature-bad '((t (:background "red" :foreground "black"))) "Face used for bad signatures." :group 'notmuch-crypto :group 'notmuch-faces) (defface notmuch-crypto-signature-unknown '((t (:background "red" :foreground "black"))) "Face used for signatures of unknown status." :group 'notmuch-crypto :group 'notmuch-faces) (defface notmuch-crypto-decryption '((t (:background "purple" :foreground "black"))) "Face used for encryption/decryption status messages." :group 'notmuch-crypto :group 'notmuch-faces) (define-button-type 'notmuch-crypto-status-button-type 'action (lambda (button) (message (button-get button 'help-echo))) 'follow-link t 'help-echo "Set notmuch-crypto-process-mime to process cryptographic mime parts." :supertype 'notmuch-button-type) (defun notmuch-crypto-insert-sigstatus-button (sigstatus from) (let* ((status (plist-get sigstatus :status)) (help-msg nil) (show-button t) (label nil) (face 'notmuch-crypto-signature-unknown) (button-action (lambda (button) (message (button-get button 'help-echo))))) (cond ((string= status "good") (let ((fingerprint (concat "0x" (plist-get sigstatus :fingerprint)))) ;; if userid present, userid has full or greater validity (if (plist-member sigstatus :userid) (let ((userid (plist-get sigstatus :userid))) (setq label (concat "Good signature by: " userid)) (setq face 'notmuch-crypto-signature-good)) (progn (setq label (concat "Good signature by key: " fingerprint)) (setq face 'notmuch-crypto-signature-good-key))) (setq button-action 'notmuch-crypto-sigstatus-good-callback) (setq help-msg (concat "Click to list key ID 0x" fingerprint ".")))) ((string= status "error") (let ((keyid (concat "0x" (plist-get sigstatus :keyid)))) (setq label (concat "Unknown key ID " keyid " or unsupported algorithm")) (setq button-action 'notmuch-crypto-sigstatus-error-callback) (setq help-msg (concat "Click to retrieve key ID " keyid " from keyserver.")))) ((string= status "bad") (let ((keyid (concat "0x" (plist-get sigstatus :keyid)))) (setq label (concat "Bad signature (claimed key ID " keyid ")")) (setq face 'notmuch-crypto-signature-bad))) (status (setq label (concat "Unknown signature status: " status))) (t (setq show-button nil))) (when show-button (insert-button (concat "[ " label " ]") :type 'notmuch-crypto-status-button-type 'help-echo help-msg 'face face 'mouse-face face 'action button-action :notmuch-sigstatus sigstatus :notmuch-from from) (insert "\n")))) (declare-function notmuch-show-refresh-view "notmuch-show" (&optional reset-state)) (defun notmuch-crypto-sigstatus-good-callback (button) (let* ((sigstatus (button-get button :notmuch-sigstatus)) (fingerprint (concat "0x" (plist-get sigstatus :fingerprint))) (buffer (get-buffer-create "*notmuch-crypto-gpg-out*")) (window (display-buffer buffer t nil))) (with-selected-window window (with-current-buffer buffer (goto-char (point-max)) (call-process epg-gpg-program nil t t "--batch" "--no-tty" "--list-keys" fingerprint)) (recenter -1)))) (defun notmuch-crypto--async-key-sentinel (process event) "When the user asks for a GPG key to be retrieved asynchronously, handle completion of that task. If the retrieval is successful, the thread where the retrieval was initiated is still displayed and the cursor has not moved, redisplay the thread." (let ((status (process-status process)) (exit-status (process-exit-status process)) (keyid (process-get process :gpg-key-id))) (when (memq status '(exit signal)) (message "Getting the GPG key %s asynchronously...%s." keyid (if (= exit-status 0) "completed" "failed")) ;; If the original buffer is still alive and point didn't move ;; (i.e. the user didn't move on or away), refresh the buffer to ;; show the updated signature status. (let ((show-buffer (process-get process :notmuch-show-buffer)) (show-point (process-get process :notmuch-show-point))) (when (and (bufferp show-buffer) (buffer-live-p show-buffer) (= show-point (with-current-buffer show-buffer (point)))) (with-current-buffer show-buffer (notmuch-show-refresh-view))))))) (defun notmuch-crypto--set-button-label (button label) "Set the text displayed in BUTTON to LABEL." (save-excursion (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) ;; This knows rather too much about how we typically format ;; buttons. (goto-char (button-start button)) (forward-char 2) (delete-region (point) (- (button-end button) 2)) (insert label)))) (defun notmuch-crypto-sigstatus-error-callback (button) (let* ((sigstatus (button-get button :notmuch-sigstatus)) (keyid (concat "0x" (plist-get sigstatus :keyid))) (buffer (get-buffer-create "*notmuch-crypto-gpg-out*"))) (if notmuch-crypto-get-keys-asynchronously (progn (notmuch-crypto--set-button-label button (format "Retrieving key %s asynchronously..." keyid)) (let ((p (make-process :name "notmuch GPG key retrieval" :buffer buffer :command (list epg-gpg-program "--recv-keys" keyid) :connection-type 'pipe :sentinel #'notmuch-crypto--async-key-sentinel ;; Create the process stopped so that ;; we have time to store the key id, ;; etc. on it. :stop t))) (process-put p :gpg-key-id keyid) (process-put p :notmuch-show-buffer (current-buffer)) (process-put p :notmuch-show-point (point)) (message "Getting the GPG key %s asynchronously..." keyid) (continue-process p))) (let ((window (display-buffer buffer t nil))) (with-selected-window window (with-current-buffer buffer (goto-char (point-max)) (call-process epg-gpg-program nil t t "--recv-keys" keyid) (insert "\n") (call-process epg-gpg-program nil t t "--list-keys" keyid)) (recenter -1)) (notmuch-show-refresh-view))))) (defun notmuch-crypto-insert-encstatus-button (encstatus) (let* ((status (plist-get encstatus :status)) (help-msg nil) (label "Decryption not attempted") (face 'notmuch-crypto-decryption)) (cond ((string= status "good") (setq label "Decryption successful")) ((string= status "bad") (setq label "Decryption error")) (t (setq label (concat "Unknown encryption status" (if status (concat ": " status)))))) (insert-button (concat "[ " label " ]") :type 'notmuch-crypto-status-button-type 'help-echo help-msg 'face face 'mouse-face face) (insert "\n"))) ;; (provide 'notmuch-crypto) ;;; notmuch-crypto.el ends here