Pre-requisites -------------- In addition to having notmuch, you need: - gpg - gnu tar - gnu time - xz. Some speedup can be gotten by installing "pixz", but this is probably only worthwhile if you are debugging the tests. Getting set up to run tests: ---------------------------- First, you need to get the corpus. If you don't already have the gpg key for David Bremner, run % gpg --search '' This should get you a key with fingerprint 815B 6398 2A79 F8E7 C727 86C4 762B 57BB 7842 06AD (the last 8 digits are printed as the "key id"). To fetch the actual corpus it should work to run % make download-corpus In case that fails or is too slow, check for a list of mirrors. Running tests ------------- The easiest way to run performance tests is to say "make time-test", (or simply run the notmuch-time-test script). Either command will run all available performance tests. Alternately, you can run a specific subset of tests by simply invoking one of the executable scripts in this directory, (such as ./basic). Each test script supports the following arguments --small / --medium / --large Choose corpus size. --debug Enable debugging. In particular don't delete temporary directories. Writing tests ------------- Have a look at "T01-dump-restore" for an example. Sourcing "" is mandatory. Utility functions include - 'add_email_corpus' unpacks a set of messages and adds them to the database. - 'cache_database': makes a snapshot of the current database - 'uncache_database': forces the next 'add_email_corpus' to rebuild the database. - 'time_start' unpacks the mail corpus and calls notmuch new if it cannot find a cache of the appropriate corpus. - 'time_done' does the cleanup; comment it out or pass --debug to the script to leave the temporary files around. Scripts are run in the order specified in notmuch-perf-test. In the future this order might be chosen automatically so please follow the convention of starting the name with 'T' followed by two digits to specify the order.