" notmuch.vim plugin --- run notmuch within vim " " Copyright © Carl Worth " " This file is part of Notmuch. " " Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it " under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by " the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or " (at your option) any later version. " " Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but " WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU " General Public License for more details. " " You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " along with Notmuch. If not, see . " " Authors: Bart Trojanowski " --- defaults if !exists('g:notmuch_cmd') let g:notmuch_cmd = 'notmuch' endif if !exists('g:notmuch_search_reverse') let g:notmuch_search_reverse = 1 endif " --- used to match output of notmuch let s:notmuch_show_message_begin_regexp = '^ message{' let s:notmuch_show_message_end_regexp = '^ message}' let s:notmuch_show_header_begin_regexp = '^ header{' let s:notmuch_show_header_end_regexp = '^ header}' let s:notmuch_show_body_begin_regexp = '^ body{' let s:notmuch_show_body_end_regexp = '^ body}' let s:notmuch_show_attachment_begin_regexp = '^ attachment{' let s:notmuch_show_attachment_end_regexp = '^ attachment}' let s:notmuch_show_part_begin_regexp = '^ part{' let s:notmuch_show_part_end_regexp = '^ part}' let s:notmuch_show_marker_regexp = '^ \\(message\\|header\\|body\\|attachment\\|part\\)[{}].*$' let s:notmuch_show_id_regexp = '\(id:[^ ]*\)' let s:notmuch_show_depth_regexp = ' depth:\([0-9]*\) ' let s:notmuch_show_filename_regexp = 'filename:\(.*\)$' let s:notmuch_show_tags_regexp = '(\([^)]*\))$' let s:notmuch_show_signature_regexp = '^\(-- \?\|_\+\)$' let s:notmuch_show_signature_lines_max = 12 let s:notmuch_show_citation_regexp = '^\s*>' " --- implement search screen function! s:NM_cmd_search(words) let cmd = ['search'] if g:notmuch_search_reverse let cmd = cmd + ['--reverse'] endif let data = s:NM_run(cmd + a:words) "let data = substitute(data, '27/27', '25/27', '') "let data = substitute(data, '\[4/4\]', '[0/4]', '') let lines = split(data, "\n") let disp = copy(lines) call map(disp, 'substitute(v:val, "^thread:\\S* ", "", "")' ) call s:NM_newBuffer('search', join(disp, "\n")) let b:nm_raw_data = lines nnoremap :call NM_search_display() nnoremap s :call NM_cmd_search(split(input('NotMuch Search:'))) setlocal cursorline setlocal nowrap endfunction function! s:NM_search_display() if !exists('b:nm_raw_data') echo 'no b:nm_raw_data' else let line = line('.') let info = b:nm_raw_data[line-1] let what = split(info, '\s\+')[0] call s:NM_cmd_show([what]) endif endfunction " --- implement show screen function! s:NM_cmd_show(words) let bufnr = bufnr('%') let data = s:NM_run(['show'] + a:words) call s:NM_newBuffer('show', data) setlocal bufhidden=delete let b:nm_raw_data = data call s:NM_cmd_show_mkfolds() setlocal foldtext=NM_cmd_show_foldtext() setlocal fillchars= setlocal foldcolumn=5 exec printf("nnoremap q :b %d", bufnr) endfunction function! s:NM_cmd_show_mkfolds() let msg_start = -1 let hdr_start = -1 let bdy_start = -1 let prt_start = -1 let modetype = '' let modeline = -1 let lnum = 1 let b:nm_fold_data = {} while lnum <= line('$') let line = getline(lnum) if match(line, s:notmuch_show_message_begin_regexp) != -1 let msg_start = lnum elseif match(line, s:notmuch_show_message_end_regexp) != -1 exec printf('%d,%dfold', msg_start, lnum) exec printf('%dfoldopen', msg_start) let b:nm_fold_data[msg_start] = ['msg', getline(msg_start)] elseif match(line, s:notmuch_show_header_begin_regexp) != -1 let hdr_start = lnum elseif match(line, s:notmuch_show_header_end_regexp) != -1 exec printf('%d,%dfold', hdr_start, lnum) exec printf('%dfoldclose', hdr_start) let b:nm_fold_data[hdr_start] = ['hdr', '* ' . getline(hdr_start+1) . ' [ Press "h" for full header. ]'] elseif match(line, s:notmuch_show_body_begin_regexp) != -1 let bdy_start = lnum elseif match(line, s:notmuch_show_body_end_regexp) != -1 exec printf('%d,%dfold', bdy_start, lnum) exec printf('%dfoldopen', bdy_start) let b:nm_fold_data[bdy_start] = ['bdy', getline(bdy_start)] elseif match(line, s:notmuch_show_part_begin_regexp) != -1 let prt_start = lnum elseif match(line, s:notmuch_show_part_end_regexp) != -1 exec printf('%d,%dfold', prt_start, lnum) exec printf('%dfoldopen', prt_start) let b:nm_fold_data[msg_start] = ['msg', getline(prt_start)] elseif modetype == '' if match(line, s:notmuch_show_signature_regexp) != -1 let modetype = 'sig' let modeline = lnum elseif match(line, s:notmuch_show_citation_regexp) != -1 let modetype = 'cit' let modeline = lnum endif elseif modetype == 'cit' if match(line, s:notmuch_show_citation_regexp) == -1 exec printf('%d,%dfold', modeline, lnum) let b:nm_fold_data[modeline] = [modetype, printf('[ %d-line citation. Press "c" to show. ]', lnum - modeline)] let modetype = '' endif elseif modetype == 'sig' if (lnum - modeline) > s:notmuch_show_signature_lines_max let modetype = '' elseif match(line, s:notmuch_show_part_end_regexp) != -1 let modeline2 = lnum - 1 exec printf('%d,%dfold', modeline, modeline2) let b:nm_fold_data[modeline] = [modetype, printf('[ %d-line signature. Press "s" to show. ]', modeline2 - modeline)] let modetype = '' endif endif let lnum = lnum + 1 endwhile endfunction function! NM_cmd_show_foldtext() return b:nm_fold_data[v:foldstart][1] endfunction " --- helper functions function! s:NM_newBuffer(ft, content) enew setlocal buftype=nofile readonly modifiable silent put=a:content keepjumps 0d setlocal nomodifiable execute printf('set filetype=notmuch-%s', a:ft) execute printf('set syntax=notmuch-%s', a:ft) endfunction function! s:NM_run(args) let cmd = g:notmuch_cmd . ' ' . join(a:args) . '< /dev/null' let out = system(cmd) if v:shell_error echohl Error echo substitute(out, '\n*$', '', '') echohl None return '' else return out endif endfunction " --- command handler function! NotMuch(args) if !strlen(a:args) call s:NM_cmd_search(['tag:inbox']) return endif echo "blarg!" let words = split(a:args) " TODO: handle commands passed as arguments endfunction function! CompleteNotMuch(arg_lead, cmd_line, cursor_pos) return [] endfunction " --- glue command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,CompleteNotMuch NotMuch call NotMuch() cabbrev notmuch =(getcmdtype()==':' && getcmdpos()==1 ? 'NotMuch' : 'notmuch') " --- hacks, only for development :) nnoremap ,nmr :source ~/.vim/plugin/notmuch.vim:call NotMuch('')