]> git.notmuchmail.org Git - notmuch/commitdiff
Add new notmuch vim plugin
authorFelipe Contreras <felipe.contreras@gmail.com>
Mon, 3 Jun 2013 00:31:59 +0000 (19:31 -0500)
committerFelipe Contreras <felipe.contreras@gmail.com>
Mon, 3 Jun 2013 00:42:43 +0000 (19:42 -0500)
The old one was not properly maintained and is now deprecated. The new
one has much better support.

Signed-off-by: Felipe Contreras <felipe.contreras@gmail.com>
vim/Makefile [new file with mode: 0644]
vim/README [new file with mode: 0644]
vim/notmuch.vim [new file with mode: 0644]
vim/syntax/notmuch-compose.vim [new file with mode: 0644]
vim/syntax/notmuch-folders.vim [new file with mode: 0644]
vim/syntax/notmuch-git-diff.vim [new file with mode: 0644]
vim/syntax/notmuch-search.vim [new file with mode: 0644]
vim/syntax/notmuch-show.vim [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/vim/Makefile b/vim/Makefile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bb3ec60
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+prefix = $(HOME)/.vim
+INSTALL = install -v -D -m644
+       @echo "Nothing to build"
+       $(INSTALL) $(CURDIR)/notmuch.vim $(D)$(prefix)/plugin/notmuch.vim
+       @$(foreach file,$(wildcard syntax/*), \
+               $(INSTALL) $(CURDIR)/$(file) $(D)$(prefix)/$(file);)
+.PHONY: all install
diff --git a/vim/README b/vim/README
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a661900
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+== notmuch vim ruby ==
+This is a vim plug-in that provides a fully usable mail client interface,
+utilizing the notmuch framework, through it's ruby bindings.
+== install ==
+Simply run 'make install'. However, check that you have the depencies below.
+=== vim +ruby ===
+Make sure your vim version has ruby support: check for +ruby in 'vim --version'
+=== ruby bindings ===
+Check if you are able to run the following command cleanly:
+ % ruby -e "require 'notmuch'"
+If you don't see any errors, it means it's working and you can go to the next
+If it's not, you would need to compile them. Go to the 'bindings/ruby'
+directory in the notmuch source tree.
+=== mail gem ===
+Since libnotmuch library concentrates on things other than handling mail, we
+need a library to do that, and for Ruby the best library for that is called
+'mail'. The easiest way to install it is with ruby's gem. In most distro's the
+package is called 'rubygems'.
+Once you have gem, run:
+ % gem install mail
+In some systems gems are installed on a per-user basis by default, so make sure
+you are running as the same user as the one that installed them.
+This gem is not mandatory, but it's extremely recommended.
+== Running ==
+ % gvim -c ':NotMuchR'
+Enjoy ;)
+== More stuff ==
+As an example to configure a key mapping to add the tag 'to-do' and archive,
+this is what I use:
+let g:notmuch_rb_custom_search_maps = {
+       \ 't':          'search_tag("+to-do -inbox")',
+       \ }
+let g:notmuch_rb_custom_show_maps = {
+       \ 't':          'show_tag("+to-do -inbox")',
+       \ }
diff --git a/vim/notmuch.vim b/vim/notmuch.vim
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e0fc140
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
+if exists("g:loaded_notmuch_rb")
+       finish
+if !has("ruby") || version < 700
+       finish
+let g:loaded_notmuch_rb = "yep"
+let g:notmuch_rb_folders_maps = {
+       \ '<Enter>':    'folders_show_search()',
+       \ 's':          'folders_search_prompt()',
+       \ '=':          'folders_refresh()',
+       \ }
+let g:notmuch_rb_search_maps = {
+       \ 'q':          'kill_this_buffer()',
+       \ '<Enter>':    'search_show_thread(1)',
+       \ '<Space>':    'search_show_thread(2)',
+       \ 'A':          'search_tag("-inbox -unread")',
+       \ 'I':          'search_tag("-unread")',
+       \ 't':          'search_tag("")',
+       \ 's':          'search_search_prompt()',
+       \ '=':          'search_refresh()',
+       \ '?':          'search_info()',
+       \ }
+let g:notmuch_rb_show_maps = {
+       \ 'q':          'kill_this_buffer()',
+       \ 'A':          'show_tag("-inbox -unread")',
+       \ 'I':          'show_tag("-unread")',
+       \ 't':          'show_tag("")',
+       \ 'o':          'show_open_msg()',
+       \ 'e':          'show_extract_msg()',
+       \ 's':          'show_save_msg()',
+       \ 'r':          'show_reply()',
+       \ '?':          'show_info()',
+       \ '<Tab>':      'show_next_msg()',
+       \ }
+let g:notmuch_rb_compose_maps = {
+       \ ',s':         'compose_send()',
+       \ ',q':         'compose_quit()',
+       \ }
+let s:notmuch_rb_folders_default = [
+       \ [ 'new', 'tag:inbox and tag:unread' ],
+       \ [ 'inbox', 'tag:inbox' ],
+       \ [ 'unread', 'tag:unread' ],
+       \ ]
+let s:notmuch_rb_date_format_default = '%d.%m.%y'
+let s:notmuch_rb_datetime_format_default = '%d.%m.%y %H:%M:%S'
+let s:notmuch_rb_reader_default = 'xfce4-terminal -e "mutt -f %s"'
+let s:notmuch_rb_sendmail_default = 'sendmail'
+let s:notmuch_rb_folders_count_threads_default = 0
+if !exists('g:notmuch_rb_date_format')
+       let g:notmuch_rb_date_format = s:notmuch_rb_date_format_default
+if !exists('g:notmuch_rb_datetime_format')
+       let g:notmuch_rb_datetime_format = s:notmuch_rb_datetime_format_default
+if !exists('g:notmuch_rb_reader')
+       let g:notmuch_rb_reader = s:notmuch_rb_reader_default
+if !exists('g:notmuch_rb_sendmail')
+       let g:notmuch_rb_sendmail = s:notmuch_rb_sendmail_default
+if !exists('g:notmuch_rb_folders_count_threads')
+       let g:notmuch_rb_folders_count_threads = s:notmuch_rb_folders_count_threads_default
+function! s:new_file_buffer(type, fname)
+       exec printf('edit %s', a:fname)
+       execute printf('set filetype=notmuch-%s', a:type)
+       execute printf('set syntax=notmuch-%s', a:type)
+       ruby $buf_queue.push($curbuf.number)
+function! s:compose_unload()
+       if b:compose_done
+               return
+       endif
+       if input('[s]end/[q]uit? ') =~ '^s'
+               call s:compose_send()
+       endif
+"" actions
+function! s:compose_quit()
+       let b:compose_done = 1
+       call s:kill_this_buffer()
+function! s:compose_send()
+       let b:compose_done = 1
+       let fname = expand('%')
+       " remove headers
+       0,4d
+       write
+       let cmdtxt = g:notmuch_sendmail . ' -t -f ' . s:reply_from . ' < ' . fname
+       let out = system(cmdtxt)
+       let err = v:shell_error
+       if err
+               undo
+               write
+               echohl Error
+               echo 'Eeek! unable to send mail'
+               echo out
+               echohl None
+               return
+       endif
+       call delete(fname)
+       echo 'Mail sent successfully.'
+       call s:kill_this_buffer()
+function! s:show_next_msg()
+ruby << EOF
+       r, c = $curwin.cursor
+       n = $curbuf.line_number
+       i = $messages.index { |m| n >= m.start && n <= m.end }
+       m = $messages[i + 1]
+       if m
+               r = m.body_start + 1
+               VIM::command("normal #{m.start}zt")
+               $curwin.cursor = r, c
+       end
+function! s:show_reply()
+       ruby open_reply get_message.mail
+       let b:compose_done = 0
+       call s:set_map(g:notmuch_rb_compose_maps)
+       autocmd BufUnload <buffer> call s:compose_unload()
+       startinsert!
+function! s:show_info()
+       ruby vim_puts get_message.inspect
+function! s:show_extract_msg()
+ruby << EOF
+       m = get_message
+       m.mail.attachments.each do |a|
+               File.open(a.filename, 'w') do |f|
+                       f.write a.body.decoded
+                       print "Extracted '#{a.filename}'"
+               end
+       end
+function! s:show_open_msg()
+ruby << EOF
+       m = get_message
+       mbox = File.expand_path('~/.notmuch/vim_mbox')
+       cmd = VIM::evaluate('g:notmuch_rb_reader') % mbox
+       system "notmuch show --format=mbox id:#{m.message_id} > #{mbox} && #{cmd}"
+function! s:show_save_msg()
+       let file = input('File name: ')
+ruby << EOF
+       file = VIM::evaluate('file')
+       m = get_message
+       system "notmuch show --format=mbox id:#{m.message_id} > #{file}"
+function! s:show_tag(intags)
+       if empty(a:intags)
+               let tags = input('tags: ')
+       else
+               let tags = a:intags
+       endif
+       ruby do_tag(get_cur_view, VIM::evaluate('l:tags'))
+       call s:show_next_thread()
+function! s:search_search_prompt()
+       let text = input('Search: ')
+       setlocal modifiable
+ruby << EOF
+       $cur_search = VIM::evaluate('text')
+       search_render($cur_search)
+       setlocal nomodifiable
+function! s:search_info()
+       ruby vim_puts get_thread_id
+function! s:search_refresh()
+       setlocal modifiable
+       ruby search_render($cur_search)
+       setlocal nomodifiable
+function! s:search_tag(intags)
+       if empty(a:intags)
+               let tags = input('tags: ')
+       else
+               let tags = a:intags
+       endif
+       ruby do_tag(get_thread_id, VIM::evaluate('l:tags'))
+       norm j
+       call s:search_refresh()
+function! s:folders_search_prompt()
+       let text = input('Search: ')
+       call s:search(text)
+function! s:folders_refresh()
+       setlocal modifiable
+       ruby folders_render()
+       setlocal nomodifiable
+"" basic
+function! s:show_cursor_moved()
+ruby << EOF
+       if $render.is_ready?
+               VIM::command('setlocal modifiable')
+               $render.do_next
+               VIM::command('setlocal nomodifiable')
+       end
+function! s:show_next_thread()
+       call s:kill_this_buffer()
+       if line('.') != line('$')
+               norm j
+               call s:search_show_thread(0)
+       else
+               echo 'No more messages.'
+       endif
+function! s:kill_this_buffer()
+       bdelete!
+ruby << EOF
+       $buf_queue.pop
+       b = $buf_queue.last
+       VIM::command("buffer #{b}") if b
+function! s:set_map(maps)
+       nmapclear <buffer>
+       for [key, code] in items(a:maps)
+               let cmd = printf(":call <SID>%s<CR>", code)
+               exec printf('nnoremap <buffer> %s %s', key, cmd)
+       endfor
+function! s:new_buffer(type)
+       enew
+       setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide
+       keepjumps 0d
+       execute printf('set filetype=notmuch-%s', a:type)
+       execute printf('set syntax=notmuch-%s', a:type)
+       ruby $buf_queue.push($curbuf.number)
+function! s:set_menu_buffer()
+       setlocal nomodifiable
+       setlocal cursorline
+       setlocal nowrap
+"" main
+function! s:show(thread_id)
+       call s:new_buffer('show')
+       setlocal modifiable
+ruby << EOF
+       thread_id = VIM::evaluate('a:thread_id')
+       $cur_thread = thread_id
+       $messages.clear
+       $curbuf.render do |b|
+               do_read do |db|
+                       q = db.query(get_cur_view)
+                       q.sort = 0
+                       msgs = q.search_messages
+                       msgs.each do |msg|
+                               m = Mail.read(msg.filename)
+                               part = m.find_first_text
+                               nm_m = Message.new(msg, m)
+                               $messages << nm_m
+                               date_fmt = VIM::evaluate('g:notmuch_rb_datetime_format')
+                               date = Time.at(msg.date).strftime(date_fmt)
+                               nm_m.start = b.count
+                               b << "%s %s (%s)" % [msg['from'], date, msg.tags]
+                               b << "Subject: %s" % [msg['subject']]
+                               b << "To: %s" % m['to']
+                               b << "Cc: %s" % m['cc']
+                               b << "Date: %s" % m['date']
+                               nm_m.body_start = b.count
+                               b << "--- %s ---" % part.mime_type
+                               part.convert.each_line do |l|
+                                       b << l.chomp
+                               end
+                               b << ""
+                               nm_m.end = b.count
+                       end
+                       b.delete(b.count)
+               end
+       end
+       $messages.each_with_index do |msg, i|
+               VIM::command("syntax region nmShowMsg#{i}Desc start='\\%%%il' end='\\%%%il' contains=@nmShowMsgDesc" % [msg.start, msg.start + 1])
+               VIM::command("syntax region nmShowMsg#{i}Head start='\\%%%il' end='\\%%%il' contains=@nmShowMsgHead" % [msg.start + 1, msg.body_start])
+               VIM::command("syntax region nmShowMsg#{i}Body start='\\%%%il' end='\\%%%dl' contains=@nmShowMsgBody" % [msg.body_start, msg.end])
+       end
+       setlocal nomodifiable
+       call s:set_map(g:notmuch_rb_show_maps)
+function! s:search_show_thread(mode)
+ruby << EOF
+       mode = VIM::evaluate('a:mode')
+       id = get_thread_id
+       case mode
+       when 0;
+       when 1; $cur_filter = nil
+       when 2; $cur_filter = $cur_search
+       end
+       VIM::command("call s:show('#{id}')")
+function! s:search(search)
+       call s:new_buffer('search')
+ruby << EOF
+       $cur_search = VIM::evaluate('a:search')
+       search_render($cur_search)
+       call s:set_menu_buffer()
+       call s:set_map(g:notmuch_rb_search_maps)
+       autocmd CursorMoved <buffer> call s:show_cursor_moved()
+function! s:folders_show_search()
+ruby << EOF
+       n = $curbuf.line_number
+       s = $searches[n - 1]
+       VIM::command("call s:search('#{s}')")
+function! s:folders()
+       call s:new_buffer('folders')
+       ruby folders_render()
+       call s:set_menu_buffer()
+       call s:set_map(g:notmuch_rb_folders_maps)
+"" root
+function! s:set_defaults()
+       if exists('g:notmuch_rb_custom_search_maps')
+               call extend(g:notmuch_rb_search_maps, g:notmuch_rb_custom_search_maps)
+       endif
+       if exists('g:notmuch_rb_custom_show_maps')
+               call extend(g:notmuch_rb_show_maps, g:notmuch_rb_custom_show_maps)
+       endif
+       " TODO for now lets check the old folders too
+       if !exists('g:notmuch_rb_folders')
+               if exists('g:notmuch_folders')
+                       let g:notmuch_rb_folders = g:notmuch_folders
+               else
+                       let g:notmuch_rb_folders = s:notmuch_rb_folders_default
+               endif
+       endif
+function! s:NotMuchR()
+       call s:set_defaults()
+ruby << EOF
+       require 'notmuch'
+       require 'rubygems'
+       require 'tempfile'
+       begin
+               require 'mail'
+       rescue LoadError
+       end
+       $db_name = nil
+       $email_address = nil
+       $searches = []
+       $buf_queue = []
+       $threads = []
+       $messages = []
+       $config = {}
+       $mail_installed = defined?(Mail)
+       def get_config
+               group = nil
+               config = ENV['NOTMUCH_CONFIG'] || '~/.notmuch-config'
+               File.open(File.expand_path(config)).each do |l|
+                       l.chomp!
+                       case l
+                       when /^\[(.*)\]$/
+                               group = $1
+                       when ''
+                       when /^(.*)=(.*)$/
+                               key = "%s.%s" % [group, $1]
+                               value = $2
+                               $config[key] = value
+                       end
+               end
+               $db_name = $config['database.path']
+               $email_address = "%s <%s>" % [$config['user.name'], $config['user.primary_email']]
+       end
+       def vim_puts(s)
+               VIM::command("echo '#{s.to_s}'")
+       end
+       def vim_p(s)
+               VIM::command("echo '#{s.inspect}'")
+       end
+       def author_filter(a)
+               # TODO email format, aliases
+               a.strip!
+               a.gsub!(/[\.@].*/, '')
+               a.gsub!(/^ext /, '')
+               a.gsub!(/ \(.*\)/, '')
+               a
+       end
+       def get_thread_id
+               n = $curbuf.line_number - 1
+               return "thread:%s" % $threads[n]
+       end
+       def get_message
+               n = $curbuf.line_number
+               return $messages.find { |m| n >= m.start && n <= m.end }
+       end
+       def get_cur_view
+               if $cur_filter
+                       return "#{$cur_thread} and (#{$cur_filter})"
+               else
+                       return $cur_thread
+               end
+       end
+       def do_write
+               db = Notmuch::Database.new($db_name, :mode => Notmuch::MODE_READ_WRITE)
+               begin
+                       yield db
+               ensure
+                       db.close
+               end
+       end
+       def do_read
+               db = Notmuch::Database.new($db_name)
+               begin
+                       yield db
+               ensure
+                       db.close
+               end
+       end
+       def open_reply(orig)
+               help_lines = [
+                       'Notmuch-Help: Type in your message here; to help you use these bindings:',
+                       'Notmuch-Help:   ,s    - send the message (Notmuch-Help lines will be removed)',
+                       'Notmuch-Help:   ,q    - abort the message',
+                       ]
+               reply = orig.reply do |m|
+                       # fix headers
+                       if not m[:reply_to]
+                               m.to = [orig[:from].to_s, orig[:to].to_s]
+                       end
+                       m.cc = orig[:cc]
+                       m.from = $email_address
+                       m.charset = 'utf-8'
+                       m.content_transfer_encoding = '7bit'
+               end
+               dir = File.expand_path('~/.notmuch/compose')
+               FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir)
+               Tempfile.open(['nm-', '.mail'], dir) do |f|
+                       lines = []
+                       lines += help_lines
+                       lines << ''
+                       body_lines = []
+                       if $mail_installed
+                               addr = Mail::Address.new(orig[:from].value)
+                               name = addr.name
+                               name = addr.local + "@" if name.nil? && !addr.local.nil?
+                       else
+                               name = orig[:from]
+                       end
+                       name = "somebody" if name.nil?
+                       body_lines << "%s wrote:" % name
+                       part = orig.find_first_text
+                       part.convert.each_line do |l|
+                               body_lines << "> %s" % l.chomp
+                       end
+                       body_lines << ""
+                       body_lines << ""
+                       body_lines << ""
+                       reply.body = body_lines.join("\n")
+                       lines += reply.to_s.lines.map { |e| e.chomp }
+                       lines << ""
+                       old_count = lines.count - 1
+                       f.puts(lines)
+                       sig_file = File.expand_path('~/.signature')
+                       if File.exists?(sig_file)
+                               f.puts("-- ")
+                               f.write(File.read(sig_file))
+                       end
+                       f.flush
+                       VIM::command("let s:reply_from='%s'" % reply.from.first.to_s)
+                       VIM::command("call s:new_file_buffer('compose', '#{f.path}')")
+                       VIM::command("call cursor(#{old_count}, 0)")
+               end
+       end
+       def folders_render()
+               $curbuf.render do |b|
+                       folders = VIM::evaluate('g:notmuch_rb_folders')
+                       count_threads = VIM::evaluate('g:notmuch_rb_folders_count_threads')
+                       $searches.clear
+                       do_read do |db|
+                               folders.each do |name, search|
+                                       q = db.query(search)
+                                       $searches << search
+                                       count = count_threads ? q.search_threads.count : q.search_messages.count
+                                       b << "%9d %-20s (%s)" % [count, name, search]
+                               end
+                       end
+               end
+       end
+       def search_render(search)
+               date_fmt = VIM::evaluate('g:notmuch_rb_date_format')
+               db = Notmuch::Database.new($db_name)
+               q = db.query(search)
+               $threads.clear
+               t = q.search_threads
+               $render = $curbuf.render_staged(t) do |b, items|
+                       items.each do |e|
+                               authors = e.authors.to_utf8.split(/[,|]/).map { |a| author_filter(a) }.join(",")
+                               date = Time.at(e.newest_date).strftime(date_fmt)
+                               if $mail_installed
+                                       subject = Mail::Field.new("Subject: " + e.subject).to_s
+                               else
+                                       subject = e.subject.force_encoding('utf-8')
+                               end
+                               b << "%-12s %3s %-20.20s | %s (%s)" % [date, e.matched_messages, authors, subject, e.tags]
+                               $threads << e.thread_id
+                       end
+               end
+       end
+       def do_tag(filter, tags)
+               do_write do |db|
+                       q = db.query(filter)
+                       q.search_messages.each do |e|
+                               e.freeze
+                               tags.split.each do |t|
+                                       case t
+                                       when /^-(.*)/
+                                               e.remove_tag($1)
+                                       when /^\+(.*)/
+                                               e.add_tag($1)
+                                       when /^([^\+^-].*)/
+                                               e.add_tag($1)
+                                       end
+                               end
+                               e.thaw
+                               e.tags_to_maildir_flags
+                       end
+               end
+       end
+       class Message
+               attr_accessor :start, :body_start, :end
+               attr_reader :message_id, :filename, :mail
+               def initialize(msg, mail)
+                       @message_id = msg.message_id
+                       @filename = msg.filename
+                       @mail = mail
+                       @start = 0
+                       @end = 0
+                       mail.import_headers(msg) if not $mail_installed
+               end
+               def to_s
+                       "id:%s" % @message_id
+               end
+               def inspect
+                       "id:%s, file:%s" % [@message_id, @filename]
+               end
+       end
+       class StagedRender
+               def initialize(buffer, enumerable, block)
+                       @b = buffer
+                       @enumerable = enumerable
+                       @block = block
+                       @last_render = 0
+                       @b.render { do_next }
+               end
+               def is_ready?
+                       @last_render - @b.line_number <= $curwin.height
+               end
+               def do_next
+                       items = @enumerable.take($curwin.height * 2)
+                       return if items.empty?
+                       @block.call @b, items
+                       @last_render = @b.count
+               end
+       end
+       class VIM::Buffer
+               def <<(a)
+                       append(count(), a)
+               end
+               def render_staged(enumerable, &block)
+                       StagedRender.new(self, enumerable, block)
+               end
+               def render
+                       old_count = count
+                       yield self
+                       (1..old_count).each do
+                               delete(1)
+                       end
+               end
+       end
+       class Notmuch::Tags
+               def to_s
+                       to_a.join(" ")
+               end
+       end
+       class Notmuch::Message
+               def to_s
+                       "id:%s" % message_id
+               end
+       end
+       # workaround for bug in vim's ruby
+       class Object
+               def flush
+               end
+       end
+       module SimpleMessage
+               class Header < Array
+                       def self.parse(string)
+                               return nil if string.empty?
+                               return Header.new(string.split(/,\s+/))
+                       end
+                       def to_s
+                               self.join(', ')
+                       end
+               end
+               def initialize(string = nil)
+                       @raw_source = string
+                       @body = nil
+                       @headers = {}
+                       return if not string
+                       if string =~ /(.*?(\r\n|\n))\2/m
+                               head, body = $1, $' || '', $2
+                       else
+                               head, body = string, ''
+                       end
+                       @body = body
+               end
+               def [](name)
+                       @headers[name.to_sym]
+               end
+               def []=(name, value)
+                       @headers[name.to_sym] = value
+               end
+               def format_header(value)
+                       value.to_s.tr('_', '-').gsub(/(\w+)/) { $1.capitalize }
+               end
+               def to_s
+                       buffer = ''
+                       @headers.each do |key, value|
+                               buffer << "%s: %s\r\n" %
+                                       [format_header(key), value]
+                       end
+                       buffer << "\r\n"
+                       buffer << @body
+                       buffer
+               end
+               def body=(value)
+                       @body = value
+               end
+               def from
+                       @headers[:from]
+               end
+               def decoded
+                       @body
+               end
+               def mime_type
+                       'text/plain'
+               end
+               def multipart?
+                       false
+               end
+               def reply
+                       r = Mail::Message.new
+                       r[:from] = self[:to]
+                       r[:to] = self[:from]
+                       r[:cc] = self[:cc]
+                       r[:in_reply_to] = self[:message_id]
+                       r[:references] = self[:references]
+                       r
+               end
+               HEADERS = [ :from, :to, :cc, :references, :in_reply_to, :reply_to, :message_id ]
+               def import_headers(m)
+                       HEADERS.each do |e|
+                               dashed = format_header(e)
+                               @headers[e] = Header.parse(m[dashed])
+                       end
+               end
+       end
+       module Mail
+               if not $mail_installed
+                       puts "WARNING: Install the 'mail' gem, without it support is limited"
+                       def self.read(filename)
+                               Message.new(File.open(filename, 'rb') { |f| f.read })
+                       end
+                       class Message
+                               include SimpleMessage
+                       end
+               end
+               class Message
+                       def find_first_text
+                               return self if not multipart?
+                               return text_part || html_part
+                       end
+                       def convert
+                               if mime_type != "text/html"
+                                       text = decoded
+                               else
+                                       IO.popen("elinks --dump", "w+") do |pipe|
+                                               pipe.write(decode_body)
+                                               pipe.close_write
+                                               text = pipe.read
+                                       end
+                               end
+                               text
+                       end
+               end
+       end
+       class String
+               def to_utf8
+                       RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" ? force_encoding('utf-8') : self
+               end
+       end
+       get_config
+       call s:folders()
+command NotMuchR :call s:NotMuchR()
+" vim: set noexpandtab:
diff --git a/vim/syntax/notmuch-compose.vim b/vim/syntax/notmuch-compose.vim
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..19adb75
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+runtime! syntax/mail.vim
+syntax region nmComposeHelp          contains=nmComposeHelpLine start='^Notmuch-Help:\%1l' end='^\(Notmuch-Help:\)\@!'
+syntax match  nmComposeHelpLine      /Notmuch-Help:/ contained
+highlight link nmComposeHelp        Include
+highlight link nmComposeHelpLine    Error
diff --git a/vim/syntax/notmuch-folders.vim b/vim/syntax/notmuch-folders.vim
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9477f86
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+" notmuch folders mode syntax file
+syntax region nmFoldersCount     start='^' end='\%10v'
+syntax region nmFoldersName      start='\%11v' end='\%31v'
+syntax match  nmFoldersSearch    /([^()]\+)$/
+highlight link nmFoldersCount     Statement
+highlight link nmFoldersName      Type
+highlight link nmFoldersSearch    String
+highlight CursorLine term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse
diff --git a/vim/syntax/notmuch-git-diff.vim b/vim/syntax/notmuch-git-diff.vim
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6f15fdc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+syn match diffRemoved  "^-.*"
+syn match diffAdded    "^+.*"
+syn match diffSeparator        "^---$"
+syn match diffSubname  " @@..*"ms=s+3 contained
+syn match diffLine     "^@.*" contains=diffSubname
+syn match diffFile     "^diff .*"
+syn match diffNewFile  "^+++ .*"
+syn match diffOldFile  "^--- .*"
+hi def link diffOldFile                diffFile
+hi def link diffNewFile                diffFile
+hi def link diffFile           Type
+hi def link diffRemoved                Special
+hi def link diffAdded          Identifier
+hi def link diffLine           Statement
+hi def link diffSubname                PreProc
+syntax match gitDiffStatLine /^ .\{-}\zs[+-]\+$/ contains=gitDiffStatAdd,gitDiffStatDelete
+syntax match gitDiffStatAdd    /+/ contained
+syntax match gitDiffStatDelete /-/ contained
+hi def link gitDiffStatAdd diffAdded
+hi def link gitDiffStatDelete diffRemoved
diff --git a/vim/syntax/notmuch-search.vim b/vim/syntax/notmuch-search.vim
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f458d77
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+syntax region nmSearch         start=/^/ end=/$/               oneline contains=nmSearchDate
+syntax match nmSearchDate      /^.\{-13}/                      contained nextgroup=nmSearchNum
+syntax match nmSearchNum       /.\{-4}/                        contained nextgroup=nmSearchFrom
+syntax match nmSearchFrom      /.\{-21}/                       contained nextgroup=nmSearchSubject
+syntax match nmSearchSubject   /.\{0,}\(([^()]\+)$\)\@=/       contained nextgroup=nmSearchTags
+syntax match nmSearchTags      /.\+$/                          contained
+highlight link nmSearchDate    Statement
+highlight link nmSearchNum     Type
+highlight link nmSearchFrom    Include
+highlight link nmSearchSubject Normal
+highlight link nmSearchTags    String
diff --git a/vim/syntax/notmuch-show.vim b/vim/syntax/notmuch-show.vim
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c3a98b7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+" notmuch show mode syntax file
+syntax cluster nmShowMsgDesc contains=nmShowMsgDescWho,nmShowMsgDescDate,nmShowMsgDescTags
+syntax match   nmShowMsgDescWho /[^)]\+)/ contained
+syntax match   nmShowMsgDescDate / ([^)]\+[0-9]) / contained
+syntax match   nmShowMsgDescTags /([^)]\+)$/ contained
+syntax cluster nmShowMsgHead contains=nmShowMsgHeadKey,nmShowMsgHeadVal
+syntax match   nmShowMsgHeadKey /^[^:]\+: / contained
+syntax match   nmShowMsgHeadVal /^\([^:]\+: \)\@<=.*/ contained
+syntax cluster nmShowMsgBody contains=@nmShowMsgBodyMail,@nmShowMsgBodyGit
+syntax include @nmShowMsgBodyMail syntax/mail.vim
+silent! syntax include @nmShowMsgBodyGit syntax/notmuch-git-diff.vim
+highlight nmShowMsgDescWho term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse
+highlight link nmShowMsgDescDate Type
+highlight link nmShowMsgDescTags String
+highlight link nmShowMsgHeadKey  Macro
+"highlight link nmShowMsgHeadVal  NONE
+highlight Folded term=reverse ctermfg=LightGrey ctermbg=Black guifg=LightGray guibg=Black